
In the future, companies will succeed with a high degree of expertise

In the future, the success of Finnish companies will increasingly be based on the knowledge and skills of highly educated experts. Finland has traditionally offered solid support for education and, in the long term, the aim is to raise the level of education of the entire population so that at least half of the age groups entering working life would have earned a higher education degree by 2030.

Higher education institutions and working life must engage in continuous dialogue. The aim of the Digivisio 2030 programme is to make knowledge and skills flow freely in a shared learning ecosystem.

The world’s best experts are the drivers of company competitiveness

Many of the professions and jobs that we consider to be self-evident today are in the midst of change or being completely eliminated, for example, through the development of artificial intelligence and automation. In order to succeed, companies must remain at the forefront of international competition, which is why it is smart to keep skilled labor where it is needed in the future.

Future-proof work requires skilled labor, and it goes without saying that more and more people are choosing jobs that they find motivating. Whether the job itself is in Finland or Shanghai, it is important for the employee that complementary expertise and learning new things outside of work are a natural part of the values and culture of the job. This is an important place for cooperation between higher education institutions and companies.

Raising the level of expertise directly benefits both experts and companies: the experts find employment in meaningful jobs and the business operations of companies evolve with fresh ideas.

Data, education and expertise circulate in the learning ecosystem

The forward-thinking work being done in Digivisio prepares for future expertise needs and solves shortages of experts and expertise. New services developed in Digivisio will improve employee opportunities for supplementary and continuing training as well as support companies in maintaining and updating their expertise levels. At the same time, new business opportunities open up for companies, as data and expertise can be created and shared by new means.

The aim of Digivisio 2030 is to create a learning ecosystem based on digital services, the open study offering of higher education institutions and interaction between companies and society. Data, education and competence circulate in the ecosystem. Through the cornerstone of the ecosystem, i.e. digital services, learners can flexibly and continuously complete studies that meet their individual needs across the boundaries of higher education institutions and develop their expertise through an open course offering. 

The ecosystem will be piloted by 2024. In addition to higher education institutions, there are plans to include other Finnish and international actors in the ecosystem. In other words, companies that utilize the educational offering and data of higher education institutions in developing their personnel’s expertise, business operations and services. The goal is to have a functional ecosystem in use by the end of the decade.