Heini-Maari Kemppainen

I am responsible for the continuous learning project, the end result of which will be the programme’s first national service. This service is a big, shared effort, and my task is to guide the teams in the right direction, see the big picture and ensure that any challenges along the way are resolved. In addition, I have a key role in and responsibility for taking parallel national development projects into account.

My higher education background is in Aalto University, my alma mater, where I managed a multidisciplinary programme specialising in challenge-based learning, business cooperation and education export. In this world that had interfaces with service and business design and business opportunities for new technologies, I got to deepen my understanding of digitalisation and design thinking.

In a word, Digivisio is inspiring! I see it as an indirect opportunity to influence our ability to solve wicked problems and create a hopeful future. In a future-oriented programme, you have permission to take a peek at areas that have not yet been visited. I find the gradual opening up of these vistas exciting. I hope that our work will make possible direct paths to learning or new beginnings. I enjoy multidisciplinary cooperation and seeking solutions – in this work, I am constantly challenged and I constantly learn new things.

Contact information
Heini-Maari Kemppainen

Project Manager, Team Lead

Continuous Learning Project, Design
+358 50 4283925