My tasks are related to building the goal of Digivisio, or an open and internationally respected learning ecosystem. This is the future we are building in Digivisio together with higher education institutions. I am helping to clarify the vision of what kinds of opportunities, challenges, marginal conditions and actors will be part of the new world of learning glimpsed at a distance, a few years away. In my work, I map connections related to Digivisio structures and guide practical trailblazing, for example by compiling common rules for the ecosystem.
I bring to Digivisio my long experience of developing working life competence, digital learning content and cooperation with various actors. I worked as a development manager in learning material publishing in the early stages of the digital leap, was involved in developing e-learning solutions for personnel development needs, and worked on customer projects in all roles except for that of a coder. My experience in education business complements the profound higher education expertise of the Digivisio team, and I am constantly learning more about the broad field of education and learning.
I have always striven to remove technical, physical and mental barriers between silos, ensuring that knowledge and understanding can flow unhindered for everyone’s benefit. Digivisio is also about the freedom of knowledge. You must always make an effort to learn, but access to learning must be made as easy as possible. Digitalisation provides unprecedented opportunities for this. I have noticed this while walking in the evenings with my best teacher, our dog, who each year has provided me with eleven days for mobile learning about almost any imaginable topic!
Project Manager
Digital transformation support to higher education institutions and e-learning
+358 40 8602512