Vilho Kolehmainen

I am responsible for an area that comprises software development, IT service management, information security and enterprise architecture. I am the supervisor of the ARKKI team.

I have worked in developing education sector activities and information systems for more than 25 years (the University of Helsinki, Finnish National Agency for Education and Metropolia University of Applied Sciences). I have also worked in various expert and managerial roles in the private sector some of the time, but my clientele was always mainly in the field of education. My tasks in the field of education have mostly been associated with project management but, in recent years, also with enterprise architecture. I moved to my current position from Metropolia, where I was responsible for the enterprise architecture service. 

What inspires me the most in my work is an opportunity to influence the digital transformation of higher education institutions and the harmonisation of solutions for the benefit of higher education institutions, learners and taxpayers. The most meaningful area of my job is participating in national working groups and discussions with different stakeholders, as in these forums I can contribute to the harmonisation of the activities and the information systems that support them, making the most of my prior knowledge.

I am today also responsible for entities that were previously provided for me by other actors as services supporting business or project management. I expect that I will need to improve my competence a great deal in the near future, especially in the areas of IT service management, information security and, to some extent, software development. 

Contact information
Vilho Kolehmainen

Programme Manager

Architecture and operating environment
+358 50 3812966