Finland lives on diverse expertise.
In the Digivisio 2030 programme, Finnish higher education institutions are building a future of learning together. The goal is a new era of learning where each of us can learn more easily and flexibly, thus accumulating the expertise needed in a constantly changing world.
New services developed in Digivisio 2030 – Digivisio2030 Play video
Peep into the future
All higher education institutions sign the programme’s participation agreement and the Digivisio programme office is established.
The implementation of the services will begin, the higher education institutions will begin their change work and the vision work on e-learning will be completed.
The first versions of the services are being piloted. Joint criteria for high quality e-learning is applied in the open offering at higher education institutions.
Education offering for continuous learning at higher education institutions and the learner’s own data can be found in one service, which is open to all continuous learners.
The learning ecosystem is starting to form. Digivisio services are widely used by higher education institutions and learners.
How many higher education institutions are participating in the Digivisio 2030 programme?
Involving Finnish higher education institutions, Digivisio 2030 is a joint programme whose aim is to create a future for learning that benefits higher education institutions, learners and our society as a whole.

The right kind of organisation is central for success

Digivisio 2030 project steering group prepared for a new period