A powerful
hold on learning.
Opin.fi will open in April 2025
The new Opin.fi service puts open studies at Finnish universities and universities of applied sciences within easy reach.
Open for learning
If you learned something new today, what would it be?
You will soon be able to find opportunities for open studies at 37 Finnish higher education institutions in one place. Familiarise yourself with the educational offering, browse and compare, select and learn – if necessary, regardless of time and place.
Up and running in spring 2025
Starting next spring, Finnish universities and universities of applied sciences will present their open educational offering to you at a single address.
The Opin.fi service is currently under construction. In the autumn 2024, you may have already come across the beta version of the service. Development now continues based on the feedback received.
So stay tuned – Opin.fi will officially launch in April 2025 for everyone interested in learning and self-development.
Find, compare and select
Whether you need to refresh your skills a bit or want to head in a completely new direction, Opin.fi is your tool for exploring the alternatives.
Discover the number of opportunities you have. Explore the content and discover new things. You can also check out new and slightly unfamiliar fields, and dive head-first into learning.
How would you like to learn?
Goals, needs and situations vary – Opin.fi helps you find different learning options in the open education offered by higher education institutions. The service is intended for all continuing learners, so you do not need a previous background in higher education studies.
Whether you are looking for a webinar, podcast or more comprehensive education, Opin.fi puts opportunities at your fingertips.