
The pilot universities for sub-publication 3.0 have been selected

The pilot universities participating in the pilot of sub-publication 3.0, which will be launched at the beginning of the year, have been selected. The general assembly approved the election on Wednesday 29 November.

Institutions that pilot and co-create sub-publication 3.0:

  • University of Jyväskylä
  • University of Helsinki
  • 5AMK (UAS group) (Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Haaga-Helia, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, HAMK and XAMK)
  • Åbo Akademi University – Novia University of Applied Sciences

The higher education institutions will start the piloting at the beginning of next year.

This pilot will start to co-develop new solutions and approaches to be developed in sub-publication 3.0. In practice, the pilot universities will focus on two areas: the technical development of the continuous and flexible learning tray and the pedagogical development of the educational offering.

The focus areas of sub-publication 3.0 guided the selection of pilot universities

Sub-publication 3.0 of the continuous and flexible learning tray focuses on four focus areas. These include the technical development of the service, the development of MOOC offering, the development of modularity produced in co-operation between higher education institutions and multilingualism.

The higher education institutions selected for the pilot jointly form an entity that will maximise the benefits of developing the service in these areas.

In addition, sufficient representation of both study information systems, a steady relationship between universities of applied sciences and universities, preparedness for the necessary integrations and geographical representation have been considered in the selections. Large higher education institutions bring added value from the perspective of service development and preparation for implementation, and Swedish-speaking higher education institutions promote the realisation of multilingualism in the service.

Piloting and co-creation essential parts of agile development

Digivisio’s operation is based on the idea that the services and technical solutions to be implemented will be jointly developed and piloted at the pilot universities before their wider production use. Piloting is a way to experiment with different solutions and their functionality, thus reducing uncertainty before they are introduced to a larger audience.

In the past, Digivisio has co-created and piloted an identification service (IDM), sub-publication 1.0 and sub-publication 2.0, as well as the production of digitally supported courses on offer.