Pilot universities of Digivision 2.0 set out to update their practices for producing digitally supported study offerings in their development projects. The end results of this work can be used by all higher education institutions, and some of the themes will also be visible in Digivision activities in the future.
In the pedagogical area of the Digivision 2.0 pilot, the participating higher education institutions worked on producing digitally supported study offerings. Different forms of online teaching and learning environments are often emphasised especially in services for continuous learners, as many of those who wish to improve their competence while working, for instance, value opportunities for studying whenever and wherever they are.
As the volume of digitally supported studies increases continuously, the ways in which they are planned and produced are also highlighted.
“One of the key questions in this pilot has been how higher education institutions can produce digitally supported studies that offer high quality to students and a smooth process for the higher education institution,” Satu Hakanurmi, Digivision’s online pedagogy specialist, describes the background of the pilot.
Development projects are open to everyone
In addition to joint pilot work, the higher education institutions worked on their own development projects, the topics of which were selected among challenges identified together.
Their work was presented at the ‘Online pedagogy as a team sport’ event held in Keilaniemi in mid-March. This hybrid event attracted more than 100 participants, but information on the projects can also be accessed at a later date. Summaries of the projects are available in Finnish.
“Those working on similar themes should read through the summaries. If a particular topic catches your eye, you can also find the authors’ contact details in them. The topics that attract the most interest will also feature in the online pedagogy studios next autumn,” hints Hakanurmi.
Read development project summaries in Finnish
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Pilot universities seek the best practices of digitally supported studies
The world is changing, and so are learners, learning and higher education institutions. The need for different types of learning content is constantly increasing, and the demands can no longer be met by degree-awarding options alone. But how can new types of learning content be offered and produced flexibly? The Digivision 2.0 pilot institutions embarked on a quest to find the best practices to produce digitally supported study content.
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