
The long-term goals of the Digivisio programme extend to 2030. How is the progress of the programme monitored? Read more about the goals and monitoring of the programme!

The programme office supports the achievement of the programme goals through the SAFe framework, that is, through agile development work. The work of the programme office will be carried out on a quarter-by-quarter basis: each quarter, or increment, will have its own goals, and their achievement will be assessed in a demo at the end of each increment. Each year, the General Assembly approves the annual plan and budget for the programme. Within their boundaries, the steering group leads the operational work of the programme office.

Goals and action plan 2025

2025 goals

  1. The service is successfully launched and includes studies from all the higher education institutions involved in the project. The most important corrections are implemented in the service based on feedback.
  2. Cooperation between higher education institutions, efficiency and flexibility in degree studies are supported by the Digivisio platform solutions.
  3. Developing data quality and interoperability enables the wider utilisation of the Digivisio platform and the implementation of the HEDS/HEDI interface model.
  4. The European interoperability concept is completed, and EU funding has been received for its implementation.
  5. Efficient cooperation structures during production have become established between higher education institutions, project offices and HigherEd Hub Finland Ltd.

Read more about the action plan and goals for 2025:

Goals and achievements 2021-2024

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